You’re on your way to better health. Please read the instructions below carefully to book your free 15-minute Zoom video consult.

After you click the Book Your Consult button at the bottom of this page, you'll be brought to my booking page through a software called LegitFit.

You'll see the "New Client Consultation" 15-minute appointments outlined in green. Click on any of those to begin. *If you don’t see a session time that works for you, please email me at hello@kaizenhealthandfitness.com to see if we can find a time that works for both of us.


Enter your information to sign up for a free LegitFit account (required for booking).


Once your account is created, go to the Timetable (see menu of options on the left) to find an outlined GREEN consult time that works for you. Once you click on it, scroll down and click the pink "Complete Booking" button at the bottom. Any solid green slots can be clicked to add yourself to a waiting list if another time is preferable.


Check your email for an appointment confirmation from LegitFit. There will be an “Add to My Calendar” option to add the appointment to your own digital calendar, and also a “My Dashboard” button to click to bring you to your LegitFit account.


Access your account by logging in at www.legitfit.com or download the LegitFit app. If you need to cancel or reschedule your consultation, please do so from the Home page where you will see a list of your appointments.


On the day of your consult, click on the session from the Home page under My Sessions (see picture directly above) and there will be a “Join” button with a video icon next to it. Click on this within 10 minutes of the start time. You’ll also receive an email reminder for the appointment the night before which will contain a link to the dashboard.

Let’s put all this into action by clicking the button below. It will open in a new window so that you can refer back to this page for instructions if needed. If you have any questions, please email me at hello@kaizenhealthandfitness.com.